Brenda Vicars

Brenda Vicars is mesmerised by the way long-forgotten ancestors influence our lives. She believes transgenerational trauma is a hidden river that runs through past generations and bubbles up into the present. This concept inspired her new novel, to be released by Bloodhound Books July 2024.

She started composing poems and stories as soon as she learned to read, but most of her career was spent helping others write. She taught levels from middle school through college, including college English to inmates inside a Texas prison.  After she earned a Ph. D., she became Director of Student Support Services in Austin, Texas.

Her debut novel, Polarity in Motion, published in 2014 by Red Adept Publishing, topped Amazon charts. She says this book was inspired by the reality that the playing field is not level for all young people, and she wanted to bring disenfranchised voices to the page.

Having left Texas for the mountains of Vermont (USA), she enjoys taking long walks in the snow and workshopping with writers’ groups. She also loves Zumba and audio books, especially after discovering that she can dance and listen to fiction at the same time.


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