David W. Robinson

David W Robinson lives with his long-suffering wife in sight of the Pennine Moors outside Manchester. He enjoys a one-megaton sense of humour, often self-deprecating, usually cynical, and this finds its way into much of his output.

A prolific author, extensively published in both e-format and paperback, he has produced several different bestselling series. He focusses on crime thrillers and while his cosy crime works are laced with humour, there is a darker side to him which manifests in more serious, police-focussed work, of which his Feyer & Drake series is an example.

Born and brought up in the Yorkshire coalfield, now a resident of Manchester, he is teetotal and such free time as he has is taken up with caring for his wife who suffers from severe osteoarthritis.

Always busy on social media, he produces the occasional vlog video and he has a web home at https://dwrob.com


Karen Moore


Jillian Gardner