Hilly Barmby

At the age of seventeen, having been told by her English Literature teacher to sit on her hands in lessons, as she spoke more eloquently with them than actual words, Hilly Barmby decided to prove her wrong. It started with bad (terrible) poetry and has finally culminated in the publication of her first novel. 

Hilly attended Rochester College of Art to experience an excellent foundation course, which led to a degree course in Graphic Design at Central School of Art and Design in London. Here, she led a colourful life, which she subsequently wrote about in another book. After her degree course, she went on a woodworking course to make furniture. Combining her art and woodworking skills, she got a stall at Covent Garden Craft Market to sell hand-made chess and backgammon sets.

After moving to Brighton and teaching Design Technology for fifteen years, she gave it all up to relocate to Órgiva in southern Spain. She has been there for the last five years, living happily in an old farmhouse on an organic fruit farm in the mountains, with her partner and two rescue dogs.

Hilly is also part of Artists’ Network Alpujarra (ANA), a community of artists who have exhibited extensively in the region of the Alpujarra.

Her novel, From My Cold, Dead Hands, was inspired by the phrase, ‘What if…?’ and her fascination with ethical and moral dilemmas. It is a contemporary thriller about identity, both personal and cultural.

Her second novel is currently under construction.


Jen Faulkner


Christine Jordan